Refreshing Alice Borrower Data from MAZE

Canberra / Goulburn CEO Schools

1. Instructions and Procedures - Read this first

Acrobat Reader (only needed if Instructions and Procedures cannot be read. Only accessible by Canberra/Goulburn CEO Schools)

2. Links referred to in the Instructions and Procedures

·         New MAZE-Alice Borrower Exports

·         Check Alice Borrowers

Errata and Elaborations

1.      Load New Reports into Maze. For some schools the Maze formats are not stored in the \maze\formats directory but are stored in the \formats directory instead. If you are unable to find the new Alice Export reports at step 2 - Export Student Data from Maze, try repeating step 1 - Load new export reports into Maze and change the Unzip To Folder to C:\formats (or M:\formats where Maze is stored on a network server). If this does not solve the problem., call the Help Desk on 02 6234 5488.

2.      Computer has no floppy disk drive. You can use a USB thumb drive or network drive to transfer the MAZE export file. Keep file and directory names shorter than 8 characters because the checking program cannot process Windows long filenames or names containing spaces.

3.      Windows hides .txt file extension. By default, Windows will hide the extension of ‘known file types’, including .txt files. You can force it to display the extension in Windows Explorer. Click Tools, Folder Options, View. In Advanced Settings, remove the tick from ‘Hide extensions for known file types’.